Suggestions to Prepare Your People and Workplace for Video Production
These suggestions can help your team and your space look their best on video production day:
- Remind your team in advance that video work will be conducted in your location and that people might appear on camera, even if only in the background.
- Encourage team members to wear appropriate clothing. Consider whether you’ll want people in logo clothing, business attire, etc.
- Ask people to tidy up their work area and remove work material that should not appear on camera (we’ll work with you to ensure anything we record is OK to appear in video).
- Consider removing items that you do not wish to appear on camera. Examples may include: logo or branded items like coffee mugs, mouse pads, flyers/posters, personal photos, photos of minor children, display calendars, food containers, etc.
- Ensure that site safety procedures are followed, as they might be seen in video — this includes space safety (like clear fire exits, no trip hazards, etc.) and it includes making sure employees are outfitted with proper safety gear if they are recorded on camera, even if only in the background.
- Clean up working or public spaces to be recorded — consider removing large trash cans, recycle bins and similar “ugly” items.
- The easy part: you can leave a lot of “office junk,” in place…just let us know what NOT to record…we can usually spot it. We’ll constantly watch visuals and we’ll ask if something should not be shown.
Guidance for the Video Crew Helps Maximize Time
- Parking & Entry: Advise the video crew about parking and entry to your facility — we’ll be moving in equipment, sometimes on a rolling cart which can fit elevators (for city locations, you’ll need to provide parking or parking validation)
- Set-Up Room: The video crew will need a space to prepare and store video equipment (examples: an empty office, a storage room, break room or a conference room).
- Safety Equipment: If any safety equipment is needed, please let us know in advance. We can provide our own PPE with advance notice. You are responsible for providing any additional or unique safety gear required at your site.
Posted in Video Tips & Advice